Kao The Kangaroo Kao The Kangaroo an 3D platformer created by the veterans from the world of Tate Multimedia, featuring a plucky, cheeky but a cutie, Kao The Kangaroo (Hey, just like in the title!) He’s on a quest to find the truth about the death and disappearance of his father.
Kao’s journey will take him to various breathtaking environments which each holds hidden secrets. Kao is bound to encounter various challenges on each trip. Kao will need to utilize all his strengths and gain new talents. There are many different skills that are necessary to the environment within which he lives. The saying goes, it’s our journey that defines us and not our final location.
Kao the Kangaroo was inspired from 3D platformers , and is a continuation of Kao’s 21-year legacy. It is a lot of tapping, jumping, finding, and puzzle solving. It’s a brand new experience that is full of the fun and charm you would expect from the category.
Kao’s beautiful and bright world is filled with all kinds of colorful characters just waiting to be met by the characters… in certain cases (try to) defeat them! The characters in Kao The Kangaroo includes wise-mentors and inventive inventors as large bullies.
While on his journey Kao is expected to face numerous adversaries. Kao must overcome giants that are slow and slow to move and everything in between. Kao must apply all the lessons he’s learned in order to defeat the opponents in front of him…
The beautiful, mesmerizing glove that Kao has on his paws are oozing with power yet to unleash their full power. The gloves are an essential weapon to Kao when he travels around the globe, battling foes. Will the secrets of their power ever be fully realized? Kao would like to find out.
Explore a diverse range of Unique and stunning worlds filled with exciting challenges, obstacles, puzzles and hidden secrets! Take a leap, climb, or dive and stroll through high-quality environments as Kao progresses on his journey!
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